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Real-time, aptamer-based tracking of circulating therapeutic agents in living animals.. Sci Transl Med. 5(213):213ra165.
2013. Accurate zygote-specific discrimination of single-nucleotide polymorphisms using microfluidic electrochemical DNA melting curves.. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 53(12):3163-7.
2014. Particle display: a quantitative screening method for generating high-affinity aptamers.. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 53(19):4796-801.
2014. Simultaneous elimination of carryover contamination and detection of DNA with uracil-DNA-glycosylase-supplemented loop-mediated isothermal amplification (UDG-LAMP).. Chem Commun (Camb). 50(28):3747-9.
2014. Synthetic Aptamer-Polymer Hybrid Constructs for Programmed Drug Delivery into Specific Target Cells.. J Am Chem Soc.
2014. Transformation of personal computers and mobile phones into genetic diagnostic systems.. Anal Chem. 86(18):9236-41.
2014. Array-based discovery of aptamer pairs.. Anal Chem. 87(1):821-8.
2015. Integrated electrochemical microsystems for genetic detection of pathogens at the point of care.. Acc Chem Res. 48(4):911-20.
2015. Thousand-fold volumetric concentration of live cells with a recirculating acoustofluidic device.. Anal Chem. 87(16):8497-502.