Synthetic Aptamer-Polymer Hybrid Constructs for Programmed Drug Delivery into Specific Target Cells.

TitleSynthetic Aptamer-Polymer Hybrid Constructs for Programmed Drug Delivery into Specific Target Cells.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsOh SSoo, Lee BF, Leibfarth FA, Eisenstein M, Robb MJ, Lynd NA, Hawker CJ, H Soh T
JournalJ Am Chem Soc
Date Published2014 Oct 7

Viruses have evolved specialized mechanisms to efficiently transport nucleic acids and other biomolecules into specific host cells. They achieve this by performing a coordinated series of complex functions, resulting in delivery that is far more efficient than existing synthetic delivery mechanisms. Inspired by these natural systems, we describe a process for synthesizing chemically defined molecular constructs that likewise achieve targeted delivery through a series of coordinated functions. We employ an efficient "click chemistry" technique to synthesize aptamer-polymer hybrids (APHs), coupling cell-targeting aptamers to block copolymers that secure a therapeutic payload in an inactive state. Upon recognizing the targeted cell-surface marker, the APH enters the host cell via endocytosis, at which point the payload is triggered to be released into the cytoplasm. After visualizing this process with coumarin dye, we demonstrate targeted killing of tumor cells with doxorubicin. Importantly, this process can be generalized to yield APHs that specifically target different surface markers.

Alternate JournalJ. Am. Chem. Soc.
PubMed ID25290917