Stable engineered vascular networks from human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived endothelial cells cultured in synthetic hydrogels.

TitleStable engineered vascular networks from human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived endothelial cells cultured in synthetic hydrogels.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsZanotelli MR, Ardalani H, Zhang J, Hou Z, Nguyen EH, Swanson S, Nguyen BKim, Bolin J, Elwell A, Bischel LL, Xie AW, Stewart R, Beebe DJ, Thomson JA, Schwartz MP, Murphy WL
JournalActa Biomater
Date Published2016 Apr 15

UNLABELLED: Here, we describe an in vitro strategy to model vascular morphogenesis where human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived endothelial cells (iPSC-ECs) are encapsulated in peptide-functionalized poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) hydrogels, either on standard well plates or within a passive pumping polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) tri-channel microfluidic device. PEG hydrogels permissive towards cellular remodeling were fabricated using thiol-ene photopolymerization to incorporate matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-degradable crosslinks and CRGDS cell adhesion peptide. Time lapse microscopy, immunofluorescence imaging, and RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) demonstrated that iPSC-ECs formed vascular networks through mechanisms that were consistent with in vivo vasculogenesis and angiogenesis when cultured in PEG hydrogels. Migrating iPSC-ECs condensed into clusters, elongated into tubules, and formed polygonal networks through sprouting. Genes upregulated for iPSC-ECs cultured in PEG hydrogels relative to control cells on tissue culture polystyrene (TCP) surfaces included adhesion, matrix remodeling, and Notch signaling pathway genes relevant to in vivo vascular development. Vascular networks with lumens were stable for at least 14days when iPSC-ECs were encapsulated in PEG hydrogels that were polymerized within the central channel of the microfluidic device. Therefore, iPSC-ECs cultured in peptide-functionalized PEG hydrogels offer a defined platform for investigating vascular morphogenesis in vitro using both standard and microfluidic formats.

STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE: Human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived endothelial cells (iPSC-ECs) cultured in synthetic hydrogels self-assemble into capillary networks through mechanisms consistent with in vivo vascular morphogenesis.

Alternate JournalActa Biomater
PubMed ID26945632
PubMed Central IDPMC4829480
Grant ListR01 HL093282 / HL / NHLBI NIH HHS / United States