Restoration of mesenchymal retinal pigmented epithelial cells by TGFβ pathway inhibitors: implications for age-related macular degeneration.

TitleRestoration of mesenchymal retinal pigmented epithelial cells by TGFβ pathway inhibitors: implications for age-related macular degeneration.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsRadeke MJ, Radeke CM, Shih Y-H, Hu J, Bok D, Johnson LV, Coffey PJ
JournalGenome Med
Date Published2015

BACKGROUND: Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a leading cause of blindness. Most vision loss occurs following the transition from a disease of deposit formation and inflammation to a disease of neovascular fibrosis and/or cell death. Here, we investigate how repeated wound stimulus leads to seminal changes in gene expression and the onset of a perpetual state of stimulus-independent wound response in retinal pigmented epithelial (RPE) cells, a cell-type central to the etiology of AMD.

METHODS: Transcriptome wide expression profiles of human fetal RPE cell cultures as a function of passage and time post-plating were determined using Agilent 44 K whole genome microarrays and RNA-Seq. Using a systems level analysis, differentially expressed genes and pathways of interest were identified and their role in the establishment of a persistent mesenchymal state was assessed using pharmacological-based experiments.

RESULTS: Using a human fetal RPE cell culture model that considers monolayer disruption and subconfluent culture as a proxy for wound stimulus, we show that prolonged wound stimulus leads to terminal acquisition of a mesenchymal phenotype post-confluence and altered expression of more than 40 % of the transcriptome. In contrast, at subconfluence fewer than 5 % of expressed transcripts have two-fold or greater expression differences after repeated passage. Protein-protein and pathway interaction analysis of the genes with passage-dependent expression levels in subconfluent cultures reveals a 158-node interactome comprised of two interconnected modules with functions pertaining to wound response and cell division. Among the wound response genes are the TGFβ pathway activators: TGFB1, TGFB2, INHBA, INHBB, GDF6, CTGF, and THBS1. Significantly, inhibition of TGFBR1/ACVR1B mediated signaling using receptor kinase inhibitors both forestalls and largely reverses the passage-dependent loss of epithelial potential; thus extending the effective lifespan by at least four passages. Moreover, a disproportionate number of RPE wound response genes have altered expression in neovascular and geographic AMD, including key members of the TGFβ pathway.

CONCLUSIONS: In RPE cells the switch to a persistent mesenchymal state following prolonged wound stimulus is driven by lasting activation of the TGFβ pathway. Targeted inhibition of TGFβ signaling may be an effective approach towards retarding AMD progression and producing RPE cells in quantity for research and cell-based therapies.

Alternate JournalGenome Med
PubMed ID26150894
PubMed Central IDPMC4491894
Grant ListP30 EY000331 / EY / NEI NIH HHS / United States