Generating iPSCs: translating cell reprogramming science into scalable and robust biomanufacturing strategies.

TitleGenerating iPSCs: translating cell reprogramming science into scalable and robust biomanufacturing strategies.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsSilva M, Daheron L, Hurley H, Bure K, Barker R, Carr AJ, Williams D, Kim H-W, French A, Coffey PJ, Cooper-White JJ, Reeve B, Rao M, Snyder EY, Ng KS, Mead BE, Smith JA, Karp JM, Brindley DA, Wall I
JournalCell Stem Cell
Date Published2015 Jan 8
KeywordsAnimals, Cell Culture Techniques, Cellular Reprogramming, Humans, Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells, Reproducibility of Results, Stem Cell Transplantation

Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) have the potential to transform drug discovery and healthcare in the 21(st) century. However, successful commercialization will require standardized manufacturing platforms. Here we highlight the need to define standardized practices for iPSC generation and processing and discuss current challenges to the robust manufacture of iPSC products.

Alternate JournalCell Stem Cell
PubMed ID25575079
Grant ListHL095722 / HL / NHLBI NIH HHS / United States